
Solid state NMR meeting in Montpellier

To start off 2024, a national meeting on ssNMR is being organised on the 25th and 26th of January at the ICGM in Montpellier. bringing together the NMR networks of the "Grand Bassin Parisien (GBP)"  and the "Grand Sud" . The preliminary program is shown below.


Two half-days will be dedicated to scientific presentations. These will include two conferences by invited speakers, and a total of 15 oral communications, notably from PhD students and early stage researchers in the field. The following invited talks are planned:

- Dr Lauriane Lecoq ("Solid-state NMR of viral ribonucleoprotein complexes"), et

- Prof Olivier Lafon ("Ultra-high-field NMR: new opportunities to probe atomic-level structure of materials")


The other two half-days will concern a practical training to the use of the ssNAKE software. This training will be limited to 30 people. Complementary information is available from the menu to the left.

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